Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Journey Begins...

In Kindergarten!

I LOVE MY JOB! I think you know you love your job when you are SO sad to see it end. As I was hugging each of the kiddos as they left today I teared up, SEVERAL times. I mean let's face it, you TRY not to have favorites, but there are just some that steal your heart for one reason or another. Whether it be the little boy who looks and acts (which isn't necessarily a compliment) just like your own child or the sweet little girl you know you'll never have. I was sad to see EACH of them go. I received some of the sweetest cards and gifts from my parents.

SERIOUSLY...I've liked other grade levels. First grade was fun...third grade, well, it was OKAY, but kindergarten was the best!

I had students who started the year not knowing their colors and shapes, SERIOUSLY. They didn't recognize their names, much less write it. Now...after my last day with them, MOST of them can read short books and write short stories. Not because of any one thing that I have done, but because of a culmination of our efforts! It has been truly an amazing journey!

Not to mention I work with the greatest and most knowledgeable team of teachers! *I love you guys!*

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