Friday, November 23, 2007
How hard could it be?

Saturday, November 3, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Best thing you cooked last week
Logan's (I didn't cook last week OR this week!)
-If money, time and babysitting were no object, where would you go and with who?
Probably on a fancy shmancy scrapbook retreat...and I'd take my friends.
-When was the last time you cried
About 15 minutes ago...Grey's was sad!
-Five things you were doing ten years ago
1. Um...Junior High!
2. gossiping
3. staying out late
4. wishing I could drive
5. arguing with my mom and brother
-Five things on your to do list today
1. The day is over...but on my list from today, which were unaccomplished:
2. Laundry
3. Finishing Costumes
4. Lesson Plans
5. Iron clothes
- Five favorite snacks
1. Chocolate ice cream
2. Peanuts
3. Twix
5. Chips/Queso
-Five bad habits
1. Not knowing when to say NO
2. Language
3. Procrastinating
4. Biting my nails
5. Not exercising regularly
-Five favorite foods
1. Chocolate Ice Cream
2. Grilled Chicken
3. Niki's corn dip
4. Baked Potato
5. Ramen Noodles
-Top Five places I've been
1. Arkansas
2. Galveston
3. Virginia
4. Pennsylvania
5. Tennessee
- Five favorite memories
1. Seeing Carsyn in the recovery room (both times)
2. Seeing my children after they were born.
3. Seeing my Kobe after he was born.
4. My Papaw
5. High School (well, from like 7-9th grade)
What a BORING life!
So now I tag~Anyone who has a life boring enough to do this!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
I've been REAL busy!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Sweet Summertime!
I'm usually a "cup is half full" kinda person. But I'm sad to report that I only have 15 days until I go back to work. I really do love my job, but early mornings and cranky boys just don't do it for me!
Here is a snippet of our summer. In case you were wondering what I've done all summer! ENJOY!

Weston: Born February 2005
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Out of the MOUTH of my children...
Carsyn: Mom, when is Christmas? *yelling urgently* {because I'm trying to throw the toys from the living room into the hallway near his room}
Me: I don't know, like five months. WHY?
Carsyn: Because I need something.
Me: What could you possibly need?
Carysn: Something............BIG............from Wal Mart!
Me: Seriously?
Weston: Yes, he's REAL serious.
Carsyn: Yeah, very serious.
Me: Ooooooookay!
SERIOUSLY??!! We went in Wal Mart last week, we strolled the boy toy aisles for about 17 hours and they couldn't find ONE single thing they wanted, because they have everything!
Note to Grandparents: Please read this post and come help clean their room, oh around December 15th...just tell help you remember.
Random Thoughts...

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Before his surgery he was given "goofy juice". Basically a sedative to make the separation part (when the anesthesiologist takes him to the operating room) less obtrusive. At first it was working well. He was EXTREMELY goofy! He was playing hotwheels and giggling. He was DRUNK at four! ;) After about thirty minutes of sillyness he became extremely frustrated. He was inconsoleable and couldn't communicate clearly. It was torture for him and for us. He has NO recollection of any of this, THANK GOD! The anesthesiologist carted him away screaming and kicking. This was the beginning of the drama!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Young Love...

Monday, June 4, 2007
Interesting...to say the least.
Check this out. http://changes.typepad.com/
This couple, Tim & Wynter adopted their two daughters from China. Dr. Chauvin (Wynter) was one of my professors at SFA and she took a leave to adopt her oldest, Marit. She has since gone back and adopted Mattie. They decided to pack up the bare necessities and go on a journey of sorts to China. The entire story is fascinating, but I love what Marit had to say in their last post!
Friday, June 1, 2007

This is the boys' first swim of summer 2007! What a blast! They insisted that the pool was too cold so they 'swam' in the hot tub! They are crazy!!!
The boys enjoyed a fun swim and then a trip to incredibly pizza. If you have never gone to an Incredibly Pizza, GO! It was SO MUCH FUN! It is like a sup'ed up Chuck E. Cheese. It has a pizza and salad buffet, video arcade, bumper cars, go karts, build-a-bear, mini bowling and mini golf! How freakin' exciting!
This was the day before Carsyn's surgery. He had all of his pre-op appointments. We informed him that he would be having another surgery and he said that it was alright with him. {as if he had a choice}
We really enjoyed our evening. Carsyn was able to do many things that we will not be able to do for a couple of months. {like swimming, climbing and go-karts}
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Journey Begins...
I LOVE MY JOB! I think you know you love your job when you are SO sad to see it end. As I was hugging each of the kiddos as they left today I teared up, SEVERAL times. I mean let's face it, you TRY not to have favorites, but there are just some that steal your heart for one reason or another. Whether it be the little boy who looks and acts (which isn't necessarily a compliment) just like your own child or the sweet little girl you know you'll never have. I was sad to see EACH of them go. I received some of the sweetest cards and gifts from my parents.
SERIOUSLY...I've liked other grade levels. First grade was fun...third grade, well, it was OKAY, but kindergarten was the best!
I had students who started the year not knowing their colors and shapes, SERIOUSLY. They didn't recognize their names, much less write it. Now...after my last day with them, MOST of them can read short books and write short stories. Not because of any one thing that I have done, but because of a culmination of our efforts! It has been truly an amazing journey!
Not to mention I work with the greatest and most knowledgeable team of teachers! *I love you guys!*
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Well, Well, Well...

What a sweet, sweet boy! He has no idea what is about to happen. He is so happy, so mischevious, so passionate, and so oblivious to what's about to hit him. He has a smile that can light up a room, a laugh that is infectious, and a heart as big as 'Dallas'.
If you haven't hugged your kids this morning, be sure to do that ASAP because tomorrow isn't a guarantee. It is hard to believe that just two years ago we found out that Carsyn had congenital heart disease. A mere two years ago since Dr. Laird (who we've grown to adore) sucked the life out of us when he said that Carsyn would need open heart surgery. It's been almost two years (will be two years June 8) since Carsyn had his FIRST (which we thought would be his ONLY) open heart surgery. And here we are preparing to go back under the knife. It is SO much different this time. Last time happened so quickly that we didn't have time to worry with every detail. Carsyn is older now, not only will his recovery time be longer, but we will have MUCH more explaining to do. I'm not sure I'm up for that.
During his last surgery Weston was only four months old. I was emotional and *pumping* every two hours so that he would have something to eat. At the time I felt awkward doing that, but at least if filled the hours. Now, Weston is a toddler...a wild man. There is no way he is going to make it at the hospital for a six to ten hour surgery. So I will be left with NOTHING to occupy my time!
They say ignorance is bliss, and I couldn't agree more. I knew it would be painful and worrisome last time, but I knew I would manage. Little did I know how hard it would be to watch my baby hurt. Knowing that; it is physically and emotionally HARD to let them do that to him again. It is an excruciating feeling knowing it has to be done, but not wanting to do it for so many reasons. I know what to expect now, and I think that is the hardest part!
Thursday is the big day, so say a little prayer for my brave boy!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Our Week: Deep breath...
Tuesday: Same 'ol morning routine with a little less opposition. After all, Big knew if he wasn't good his sweet mother wouldn't buy him glasses. WhoEVER put that idea into his head. *wink* I left work early to order glasses. After calling around I decided to get them at the optical shop we visited in the beginning. Then after school we had our photo shoot at Studio 220. If you haven't yet, CHECK THEM OUT! They are amazing photographers. The boys were a little rowdy. The photographer, who is the mother of one sweet girl, kept shaking her head saying, WOW, they are fun. Which I'm sure what she wanted to say was WOW, they are bad as hell, let's get some GREAT pictures so they don't come back for a re-shoot. Two hours later, with most of the walls still standing in the studio we headed home.
Wednesday: Very uneventful. Today was the day to pick up Big's glasses. So, me, Big and Baby venture into the optical shop. After Carsyn woo'ed the lady into letting him see how glasses were made, he tried on his. He looks super cute, and I'll try to post a picture soon.
Baby was super cute after school. He really loves his brother and I am always amazed at how he copies everything Big does. Baby decided today was a changing day. He re-wrote the rules. And when BIG didn't copy Baby...Baby got mad. It was a battle until bedtime. Whew...what a day.
Thursday: T-Ball practice. Big's general stance on t-ball is less is more. The less he has to do the more fun it is. When they are supposed to be fielding balls he stands back and watches. When I tell him to go get the ball he says he'd rather just give the other kids a chance. ugh! He is a good batter. He can hit pretty far, but that running business, well, he'd rather not. Baby, on the other hand, would rather be out there with the big kids showing them some moves. He won't be able to play for two years, but I think he might be my sports star. Big will probably enjoy things like, fantasy baseball.
Friday: I made it to the end of the week. I have to finish getting everything ready for Big's first t-ball game tomorrow. Baby's shirt isn't ready...so I'm scratching around trying to find a team shirt for him! Big is doing great wearing his glasses, so far after two days he hasn't lost or broke them, now that is progress!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Where it began...
I am a total lurker at WAY to many blogs and I just decided to join the revolution. (the in crowd...YEA!) I have a quirky sense of humor and I am probably WAY to opinionated. I enjoy writing, but do not consider myself a writer...therefore, please don't come at me with grammatics. Afterall, I teach kindergarten...everyone's dream job because it is so easy, right? ha ha
My oldest son is four years old. He attends a very amazing preschool where he has learned SO much! He has a congenital heart defect. If you saw him, you wouldn't dream it in a million years. (unless he was shirtless...which isn't TOO abnormal) He had surgery in June of 2005 and will have another surgery this summer.
The 'baby', who is two, is a bouncy, rambling ball of energy, much like his brother. He adores preschool which makes my life so much easier. He is very social!
I'm trying to decide whether or not to post my childrens' names and totally incriminate myself (and them). If you have any opinions on that (whoever you may be, because I'm sure I have a huge broadcast of viewers) let me know!!!