I was reading Ali Edwards, like my friend Autumn, and I decided to think of a word to think about all year, in all areas of my life. My word for the year is persevere!
According to Webster's Dictionary:
- Pronunciation:\ˌpər-sə-ˈvir\
- Function:intransitive verb
- Inflected Form(s):per·se·vered; per·se·ver·ing
- Etymology:Middle English, from Anglo-French parseverer, from Latin perseverare, from per- through + severus severe
- Date:14th century
: to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counterinfluences, opposition, or discouragement
— per·se·ver·ing·ly adverb
It may be shocking to you, but some days I feel like getting to work is a huge undertaking. Heck, just getting everyone in the car is a feat in and of itself. I want to be more persistent and persevere to be a better mom, and wife.
But the main thing in my life that is taking a huge dose of perseverance is our home. Chad pretty much built our house by himself. We have a long way to go cosmetically, but wow...everything is what we wanted, and we did it ourselves. It is my favorite place to be, and I really hope that we can gain the energy to finish it. We are off to a great start, but we need to complete all of the little details.
My graduate degree is something I intended to have before I turned twenty-five. I'm disappointed to say that I will miss my mark by about 8 months. I'm really stressed, and very tired of all of the extra work. When all of my friends are discussing their favorite television shows, that used to be my favorite television shows, I have nothing to add because I haven't watched television since I begun this master's program. All that to say that I will persevere and finish this
Great word!!!
Yea for you!
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